A 2018 de Salis paper in Muelleria 36:97-106 has not yet been assessed by all the herbaria for APC, which is possibly why the name Drosera gunniana doesn’t appear in the on-line Flora of Victoria (although the name does come up in AVH, see, on-line Flora of NSW, or in the ACT Plant Census. The fact that it’s in APII only indicates that the name has been published, not that it has been accepted by the herbaria. The Australian National Herbarium people have now added it to the list of taxa to be reviewed by all the herbaria for APC, but this process could take another 6 months or more.
So, in the meantime, CNM accepts the taxonomic case i presented by de Salis for accepting the name D. gunniana. The main differences between ACT main Drosera species are shown in the table below. The characters in bold apprear to be most reliable
| D. gunniana | D. hookeri | D. peltata |
Habit | usually single-stemmed (but may appear different if grazed back); to 30+ cm tall; leaves present along the whole stem | Short, multi-stemmed, to 10 cm tall | Stems ... frequently leafless in upper half |
General colour of plants | pale olive-green, often suffused with orange and can be almost entirely red | yellow-green to distinctly yellow (no red staining) |
Basal rosette of leaves - colour | Presumably same as whole plant | presumably same as whole plant | Red |
Petal colour | pink or white | white |
sepals | hirsute; lamina covered in dense hairs 0.8-1.2 mm long, scarcely longer on the margins | hirsute; lamina sparsely covered in hairs 0.3-0.6 mm long, longer on the margins | hirsute |
Flower bud | roughly spherical; dark olive-green (but also range to dark maroon) | longer than broad; yellowish-green |
Distribution | SA, Vic, Tas and NSW | SA, Vic and Tas | Not stated, but includes NSW
Drosera gunniana is listed in the following regions:
Canberra & Southern Tablelands | Southern Highlands | Albury, Wodonga | South Coast | Central West NSW | Riverina Murray | Hume | South East South Australia
Yattalunga, SA