Hi All,If you are still running an older version of iOS (version 16 and below), you may experience a crash on startup with the new app.An update to resolve this issue with the NatureMapr app has just ...
Architectural improvements to ensure a sustainable NatureMapr
Chalcopteroides spectabilis at Barmera, SA
Chalcopteroides spectabilis at Barmera, SA
Chalcopteroides cupripennis at Barmera, SA
Cernuella virgata at Overland Corner, SA
Cernuella virgata at Overland Corner, SA
Platycercus elegans flaveolus at Barmera, SA
Platalea flavipes at Overland Corner, SA
Chenonetta jubata at Overland Corner, SA
Platycercus elegans flaveolus at Barmera, SA
Chalcopteroides spectabilis at Barmera, SA
Ardea alba at Overland Corner, SA
Platalea flavipes at Overland Corner, SA
Chenonetta jubata at Overland Corner, SA
Chenonetta jubata at Overland Corner, SA
Anas gracilis at Kingston on Murray, SA
Threskiornis spinicollis at Overland Corner, SA
Cacatua sanguinea at Overland Corner, SA